
* Required
Collection and use of personal information
Law Office Inpyeong requests your consent to the collection and use of your personal information pursuant to Article 15 of the Personal Information Protection Act, as follows.

- Purposes of collection of use of personal information: Reply to and counseling regarding legal questions
- Items of personal information to be collected and used: (required) name, contact address, and e-mail address
- Period of retention and use of personal information: 6 months from the day of consent to collection and use

* You may refuse consent to the above items. However, without your consent, our response to and counseling regarding your questions will be inevitably limited.

법률사무소 인평
서울 종로구 사직로 130, 적선현대빌딩 12층 (사직동)
전화번호 : 02-2038-2339 |팩스 : 02-2038-2995| 홈페이지


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